Oberon’s Travel theme: Bark

Travel theme: Bark

20160915_101732Oberon likes to talk – a lot.  And he had his opinion about our “meet and greets” this weekend with the Dog Vacay potential dog sitters.  Neither one of them worked out too great, in fact, one of the dogs we met snapped at Obie.  This was a new experience for my little boy, fortunately, it wasn’t too bad and we left immediately. Definitely NOT a good fit for us.  I came home and set up 3 more interviews for this upcoming week, but was fortunate enough to go to work today and a friend volunteered to house sit and dog sit for free for the entire time.  What a godsend!  So no more Dog Vacay and Oberon gets to stay in his own environment and home while I’m gone. 20161030_152747.jpg

One good thing did come out of this weekend.  Obie is starting to know what car rides are and is starting to enjoy the experience and not getting car sick anymore!  He is even jumping into the car and holding still to get his seat belt on.

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